Springfield #17 SEM
Springfield Council #17, 3rd Arch, will perform the Super Excellent Master degree. Dinner is at 6:30; council will open at 7:30. There will also be a Ladies' program. Address: 125 W. High St., Springfield OH 45502
Springfield Council #17, 3rd Arch, will perform the Super Excellent Master degree. Dinner is at 6:30; council will open at 7:30. There will also be a Ladies' program. Address: 125 W. High St., Springfield OH 45502
Marion Council #22, 4th Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Council will open at 7:30 pm, with refreshments afterwards. Address: 119 W. Church St., Marion OH 43302
Marietta Council #78, 9th Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Council will open at 3:00 pm. Address: 308 Front St., Marietta OH 45750
Kinsman Council #76, 5th Arch, will be inspected in the Royal Master degree. Council will open at 7:00 pm with refreshments to follow. Address: 1451 Gambier Rd., Mt. Vernon OH 43050
Bellaire Council #87, 9th Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Council will open at 7:30 pm. Address: 3263 Guernsey St., Bellaire OH 43906
Clinton Council #47, 4th Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Council will open at 7:30 pm with refreshments to follow. Address: 179 S. Washington St., Tiffin OH 44883
Hock Hocking Council #39, 6th Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm; council will open at 7:30 pm. Address: 1295 E. Front St., Logan OH 43138
Middletown Council #136, 3rd Arch, will be inspected in the Royal Master degree. Dinner will be at 6:30 pm; council will open at 7:30 pm. There will also be a Ladies' program. Address: 1301 S. Marshall Rd., Middletown OH 45042
Bigelow Council #7, 5th Arch, will be inspected in the Royal Master degree. Council will open at 7:30 pm with refreshments to follow. Address: 46 N. Fourth St., Newark OH 43055
Norwalk Council #24 and Belleview Council #82, 4th Arch, will be inspected in the Royal Master and Select Master degrees. Council will open at 7:30 pm with refreshments to follow. The event will be hosted by Norwalk Council. Address: 315 E. Main St., Norwalk OH 44857
Theban Council #126, 8th Arch, will perform the Super Excellent Master degree. Council will open at 7:00 pm. Address: 186 W. Jackson St., Millersburg OH 44654
West Union Council #150, 6th Arch, will be inspected in the Royal Master degree. Council will open at 7:00 pm with refreshments to follow. Address: 641 Larry Ave, West Union OH 45693
Chillicothe Council #4, 6th Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Council will open at 12:00 noon, with refreshments to follow. Address: 57 E. Main St., Chillicothe OH 45601
Bosworth Council #46, 6th Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Council will open in the Royal Master degree at 5:00 pm, with dinner to follow at 6:00. Council will open in the Select Master degree at 7:00 pm. There will also be a ladies' program. Address: 290 N. Second St., Middleport OH […]
Bowling Green Council #124 and Calumet Council #133, 1st Arch, will be inspected in the Royal Master and Select Master degrees. Council will open at 10:30 am, with lunch to follow. After lunch, they councils will portray the Super Excellent Master degree. Bowling Green Council will host the event. Address: 159 N. Main St., Bowling […]
Blanchester Council #114 and Wilmington Council #116, 3rd Arch, will be inspected in the Royal Master and Select Master degrees. Council will open at 9:00 am, with lunch to follow. After lunch, the councils will portray the Super Excellent Master degree. Blanchester Council will host the event. Address: 114 E. Main St., Blanchester OH 45107
Wooster Council #13, 8th Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Council will open at 9:00 am. Address: 660 High St., Wadsworth OH 44281
Wright Council #96, 3rd Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm; council will open at 7:30. Address: 223 Corwin Ave., Xenia OH 45385
West Gate Council #129, 5th Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Council will open at 7:30 pm, with refreshments to follow. Address: 2925 W. Broad St., Columbus OH 43204
John H. Campbell Council #147, 3rd Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm; council will open at 7:30. Address: 290 Judd Rd., Amelia OH 45102
Hillsboro Council #16, 3rd Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Council will open at 7:30, with refreshments to follow. Address: 136 N. High St., Hillsboro OH 45133
Ashland Council #128 and Mansfield Council #94, 4th Arch, will be inspected in the Royal Master and Select Master degrees. Breakfast will be available from 7 am to 10 am. Council will open at 10:00 am, with refreshments to follow. The event will be hosted by Ashland Council. Address: 31 W. 11th St., Ashland OH […]
Athens Council #15, 6th Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Council will open at 7:00 pm, with refreshments to follow. Address: 12 W. Carpenter St., Athens OH 45701
Wauseon Council #68, 1st Arch, will be inspected in the Select Master degree. Council will open at 7:30 pm. Address: 205 W. Elm St., Wauseon OH 43567